
I found the cyber(smart:) website to be amazing. It was very clearly displayed and user-friendly.

I enjoyed completing the 4 connect.ed modules online. I did find the toolkit to be a useful resource and added to my resource database as I believe it will be quite helpful in the future. I really enjoyed the scenarios where I was pretending to be a teenager with a social network account and all the pressures that come with that. Definitely a reminder that as a teacher and parent we need to teach the students about safe internet practice. There were some opportunities where I thought more feedback would have been helpful but can understand that it would require a considerable amount of man power to achieve this, especially since some 500 students from USQ alone accessed their site in the last few weeks.

All in all I found this a great use of my time and agreed with Krystal that the classroom resources and support for families would be great for use on prac and/or my own classroom one day.

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